Briefly describe your issue:
I am unable to connect a custodial account via ZebPay in India. By clicking on ZebPay and post successful authentication, brave says below message in popup-
Your request is still being processed, please wait.
Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.
Try again
What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)
OS > MacOS (Ventura) Brave Browser [Version 1.58.131 Chromium: 117.0.5938.92 (Official Build) (arm64)]
Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)
ZebPay (India)
Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)
Yes (ZebPay India)
The -1 status error tends to have to do with the above.
I would disable any VPN, and update your OS, then try again.
I recommend enabling verbose rewards logs in brave://flags > Relaunch Brave
Try again. If it fails again, it’ll capture the logs. Then, you can submit the logs to support by downloading full logs at brave://rewards-internals > Logs @Mattches@Evan123
Then, we can see what the detailed failure message is.
The BAT in Uphold or Gemini will always remain there irrespective of what custodial you choose later on. BATs there don’t get transferred to the current one you use.
The issue remains same and I am still unable to connect my ZebPay custodian. Please assist. The next deadline of 02-Nov-2023 is about to come in a day. Please assist.
It looks like you were recently connected to Gemini this month. Your Rewards account is only eligible to be connected to the initial custodial account. You will not be able to connect a different custodial account if previously connected to Gemini.