I am Unable to claim my Rewards. When i was clicking on the claim button it was saying “Oops, Something went wrong. Please try again later.”
What to do now?
I am Unable to claim my Rewards. When i was clicking on the claim button it was saying “Oops, Something went wrong. Please try again later.”
What to do now?
can i expect a reply from u? @steeven
Please let me know if you get any solution.
these people wont even reply at all…
Lots of people seem to have this issue and they don’t bother to look into it. I’ve reported this month’s ago and never got a reply or fix
Hi guys @unparalleled82 @Praveenluckzz @Cline I would suggest that you check your Uphold accounts if they are fully verified and no additional verification is needed. Also I would recommend that you try use VPN to claim your BAT. Sometimes it helps to solve some Brave issues.
Nope done all that and it doesn’t work. Unsurprisingly
Uphold is not verified/connected and VPN doesn’t work!
VPN to which Country?
Try USA or UK. Try them
Which country are you from?
I am from India. Tried both countries, still cant claim.
Same here! Even premium VPN doesn’t work.
I know that some countries have limitation due to illegal activities. So we need to wait for reply from support team. Im not one of them so I can’t tell if your country is limited or not
Hi @Praveenluckzz - what OS and Brave version are you using? Have you claimed successfully in the past?
@steeven this is my first time installation, i am on Android 7.0 Redmi Note 4 Build/NRD90M and Brave Version is Brave 1.12.113 Chromium 84.0.4147.125
Please DM with the following information:
)Settings --> Brave Rewards
.Thank you in advance!
Sent you the Details. Please check.
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