To receive the balance of your contribution, you must fully verify your identity in Uphold

To receive the balance of your contribution, you must fully verify your identity in Uphold.

But in uphold it appears to me that I am already verified since February 05

Hi @djbb,

Can you elaborate more about your issue?

If you did not receive your February 8th deposit, it is because you did not verify on or before February 1st. In short, you must be verified by the 1st of the month to receive the deposit the following week on the 8th. Since you verified on the 5th of Feb, that means you’ll be eligible for the deposit on March 8th.


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This appears to me in brave payments

Are you 100% sure you have the right Uphold account connected to your publisher account? If you are sure, can you send me a PM with your publisher email account, and I will have the team look into it for you. Thanks.

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What do you mean, pm

“Private message” (PM), so you don’t have to reveal your email to everyone. Thanks!

[email protected][quote=“chriscat, post:7, topic:45688, full:true”]
“Private message” (PM), so you don’t have to reveal your email to everyone. Thanks!

[email protected]

Someone from the team is now looking into this. Thanks for your patience. cc: @cory

Hey there!

I was wondering if you could try clicking the “Disconnect” button and try reconnecting. Let me know if that fixes your problem. :slight_smile:

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Hello, the problem was solved, I did what you told me.

Thank you.


Ive been told theres a bug & thats the reason it shows in not verified when trying to get tips. I am & have been for months & no one seems to be able to tell me anything except hold tight. In the meantime im getting no tips. Can anyone please help me?

Hi @lucaspukus,

Please see Solutions for "not yet verified" bug


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