Tipping Bat PRoblem

HI we installed Brave On our offices and i tiped serveral bats to my channel .but its been more that a week there is just few bats come in my account !!! where is the rest ? .please help me

cc @asad @chriscat for assistance here

Did you by any chance tip and then close the browser immediately? Or did you leave some time before closing the browser?

We are trying to figure out the root cause of this. Thanks.

Thanks for answering me
i have several employees who work for me.i consider install brave than chrome .after that my employees tipped me from several computers to my youtube channel
.i just got few tips!! i wana know where is the rest of it ?
and i had 900 bats and now i have 200 bats

me sucede lo mismo, tenia 250BAT y ahora solo 180BAT donde estara el resto??

A mí también me pasó lo mismo

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