This web site ads bypass Brave shields on iOS

Dear Support/Devs,

Please check this very popular news site Brave for iOS indicates 30-50(!) blocked ads and trackers. Still the site remains stuffed with ads, mosty from Yandex. Should shield manually be turned off and on then they are applied correctly for some time. However, once the page has been reloaded or user turns to another page ads are popping up all over the place again. FYI, desktop Brave perfectly blocks all ads on this site.

Nice case for testing. Hope you’ll find a solution.

Thanks and best regards,

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заскринь блоки рекламные которые ты видишь если можешь.
я щас зашел и не вижу ниодного объявления, кроме внутренних заблокированно 35 элементов. и да наврядли браве станет заниматся этим щас.

Hi @MaximM,
Welcome to the Community.

Can you share a screenshot of the ads? I’m not really sure which part that said “ads”.

I’m looking on it on my Android device and it’s seems it blocked properly. Maybe specific to iOS. cc @Mattches for additional testing.


Thanks for a quick reaction to the problem. See 2 screen shots with Thia massage ads from Yandex attached.


@hiqamig Did you try it on iPhone? I also see 30-40 ads blocked, but still tones of them slip through.

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Just curious – do you have regional ad-block enabled?

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@Mattches, I use the English version, regional ad-block is not shown in its settings.

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try fingers enable on

)) not sure it helps… and it does’t. Let’s face it, these chaps on found a way to block Brave’s blocks. It’s a challenge for Brave.

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