There's no home page when I set Brave Search as my default engine

When I set my search engine to Brave Search, there is no home page. It shows my most visited sites instead. is there any way to fix this?

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Brave Search engine webpage:


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Sorry, I forgot to be specific. I use the Chrome Browser.

while I’m sure there are folks who facepalmed and smh’d when they read that, I’m here to remind you that this community forum is to discuss privacy-security browser Brave, a direct competitor to Google’s Chrome derived from their Chromium browser project. As such, you’ll find it to be surprisingly familiar, with some added bonuses and features Google never offered you (stay away from the BAT-monetization-“Brave Rewards” stuff though…)

Long Story short, you would need to install and use Brave as your browser instead of Chrome to be able to make use of the Brave Search engine/algo.