The TIP button does not appear

hello, i want to tip some bats to twitter and youtube chanels but my button for tips does not appear… here is a video…

First, I’d like to note that tipping your own channel is not allowed and may result in your Creator account being flagged.

As for your issue, can you first try updating the Brave Local Data Updater component in brave://components? If it updates, restart the browser then check the channels again to see if they appear verified.

@Mattches Brave Local Data Updater - Version: 1.0.45 Status - Component not updated - When i am trying to click ,check for update, its saying , updater started, ( for 1 sec) and then again , component not updated… if i go to site i can see the TIP button, but if i go to youtube, twich, twiter or github, i cant see it…

Lets move this conversation to DM, as I’ll need some private info from you.

Conversation moved to DMs.