The claim BAT button is gone but I didn't receive last month's reward


As soon as I got the claim button in both my android and windows brave instances, I clicked on it, but it showed some error like failed to claim and then the button disappeared but the balance remained same. Please help.

@viveksvdy2014 Thanks for reporting. Please track the issue here


Thanks for the quick response. I went through the thread given above and what I could understand is that it is regarding the error that’s occuring when we try to claim reward. I couldn’t find any information on the other issue that I mentioned i.e. the reward amount missing after the claim button disappeared (balance not getting updated). Is my understanding wrong? And just to clarify, this issue hasn’t been fixed yet right?

@viveksvdy2014 wallet balance is no being updated is because you’re getting error while claiming grants. The above issue which I linked will solve this issue as well.


Ok got it. Thanks :blush:.

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