No Claim Button in Android and PC this Month (May 2021)

This month, Claim Button didn’t appear on my Android as well as Windows PC. What is the issue and when it will be solved. Did anyone get the claim button this month?

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Yeah bro , they’re processing , wait till then.

A few days ago I have more than 3 BATs on my Brave Browser. Then a new update comes (The most recent update) and I updated my Brave Browser, After that my all BAT tokens are disappeared and only showing 0.320 BAT, and either no ad is showing to me. Can you help me with my issue?
Thanks in Advance

Every new update comes with some bugs , they might have started working on it , wait for some days , they’ll be shown over there . My bats were disappeared one month ago and Today I got payment for that today, so kindly wait

Ok, thank you for your help

The wait is almost over

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