Claim button dissappeared

operating system: Windows 11
brave version:1.37.116 Chromium: 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Yesterday, a claim button came for the first time in the month and it said me to drag the bat icon to circular target and I did so. But then the claim button disappeared and the balance also is the same . Now how should I claim my earnings. My brave is linked to gemini


Thanks for your patience here. Were you eventually able to successfully claim your April BAT? If not, please DM me your Wallet Payment ID which can be found here brave://rewards-internals//

no! I have DMed you about the same

hey @steeven Today I received another claim of 6 bats but the same thing happened again. I was not able to successfully claim the rewards and received an error. I have attached the screenshot

The same thing happened to me twice: the first around a week ago and the second one … 10 minutes ago. These two claims showed on my browser after my successful claim on the 8th of April.

So u got your expected earnings on the 8th of April when u claimed successfully?

I received the BATs today. Thanks @steeven

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