Claim button missing

Description of the issue:
The claim button didn’t appear for me today, and I couldn’t claim the BAT tokens.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. This wallet were restored from another computer running linux.
  2. For some days both browsers were running the same wallet until I formatted my linux machine, and since then I used this wallet exclusively on the windows machine.
  3. When I open the browser the claim button doesn’t appear.


Expected result:
The brave browser display the button so I could claim the BAT tokens.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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It’s still in process. Let’s wait until tomorrow. And if you still not received yours, feel free to comment here MEGATHREAD: June 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support


Hi @glutz - can you DM me your Rewards Internals?

Thanks in advance!

Oh, I didn’t know. Thanks for the tip!

I never received a claim button and want to know when will this be fix ASAP!

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I haven’t been able to claim rewards in many many months. Plus when I tried to solve the issue by de-installing and re-installing brave browser and using my phrase sensitive code, my balance showed up as 0 BAT from almost 700 BAT. Today is reward claim day for me and still there is no option to claim :frowning: HIghly frustrating considering how loyal of a brave browser user I am

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Anyone trying to fix this??? So far I never got a single payment day done…every month keeps pushing forward another month and so on and on and on…

No support in this “support” page?

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Same problem here, no claim button, I sent multiple messages on the mega payout thread, multiple direct messages to brave support users, and no answers.

0lease be patient they will reply you on monday.

I received the tokens about 17h ago, and it took a while 'till the “Estimated earnings so far this month” get subtracted.
But it’s all fine now.
Thanks for the support!

For those worried follow the megathread for more information about what to do.

It seems that in some cases you need to do this:


Still no remedy to this issue. No contact from admins. No rewards in a very long time and now 0 BAT wallet balance from almost 700 BAT in my wallet :frowning: Makes me think someone within the company has stolen my BAT…

Still not solved. Got my 6 BAT deposited from the month of May…but the previous month ones are still stuck and don’t move to my wallet…

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same problem here :slightly_frowning_face: rowning

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Another month…same same once again. Rewards keep being pushed forward 1 month and nothing enters the wallet. Very frustrating to see that no one tries to fix this.

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