First of all, thank you for your work on this browser.
I was testing the ability of the Brave Shields, comparing it with Opera Native AdBlock( Easylist, EasyPrivacy, Nocoins). Just tested a single website ( OK on 1st party in Brave, I’m ware of that. But what worries me are some 3rd party like “scorecardresearch”, “pingdom”, “openx” etc. which are well known as analytics/tracers/adv, and Brave didn’t blocked! Opera blocked all of them!
I think it’s simply because opera et brave does not use the same blocking lists. It would be necessary to test with both browsers configured in the same way, without internal adblock enabled.
To be honest, found out that Brave Shields blocked some(maybe all) adv/tracks elements from these domains, but not entire URL/domain, like in Opera. That’s why still appeared in uMatrix. Same result was with ublock Origin on Brave (BShields disabled). Looks like Opera Adblock act more aggressively.
Whatever, in the end, Brave is my default browser.