Sync still does not work! crashes brave

Description of the issue:

Hey there I am having a weird issue with the sync. I love the ability to use it, and I getting a new PC so i wanted to make sure sync was ready. However when I click on add device (I use windows 11) my security words pop up. Then if i click qr code it crashes all my brave pages open. I have reported the crashes. I figured maybe i would just put the security words into the new device as a way to hook it up instead of the qr code however i am told that i do not have enough words and i need to add more if i wish to sync.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
I tried this 4 times each time with the exact same result. Immediate crash upon clicking add mobile device.
step 1 - click on sync
step 2 - click add new device
step 3 - add mobile
Then immediate crash, no error pop up or anything.

Second try

step 1 - click on sync
step 2 - click add new device
step 3 - add computer
step 4 enter the security words in the new device
Error message is sent telling me " not enough words for a security code please add more words.

Attempts 3-4 are the same
step 1 - click on sync
step 2 - click add new device
step 3 - add computer
step 4 - view QR code
Then immediate crash, no error pop up or anything.

Reproduces how often:

This issue reproduced every time with no exceptions no matter what i tried. Including updating brave.

Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

Version 1.41.96 Chromium: 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question:

Just my self built PC, no brave issues in the past at all running windows 11

Additional Information:
I think this covers all of it i tried to find the crash ID’s but i was not sure where to find those so i have these… I don’t know if this helps these were the context’s for the 4 crashes i was able to report

|Local Crash Context:|fb171edf-f276-4ddc-bc02-da26344d2436|

|Local Crash Context:|45a4b696-2db0-4706-897e-57f87402e73a|

|Local Crash Context:|e01a2586-bdbe-427c-a548-8a4a2c2ee1e7|

Local Crash Context: 92c8c3a3-2b82-433f-9da0-02674a89971f

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I have the same issue. It crashes every time I try to access they QR code for Sync.

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Same thing happens to me.

Version 1.41.99 Chromium on Monterey 12.4

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The same for me the browser crash on QRCode and the secret codes are just one word which don’t work either.

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I am having the same problem.

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Mine works fine
Uploading: chrome_qrcode_1659025675426.png…

This text will be blurred

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My issue has been going on for some months, now…
Any development on a possible solution?

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I am having the same issue, trying to sync my Macbook to my Desktop. It won’t sync, I can’t enter the 24 word code and when I ask for the QR code it crashes every time. Would love to get a solution to this as I have been trying to set this up for a while now.

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I am sad and glad I am not the only one, I have still received no help or solution on this so. I am not sure how to get this seen, by the right worker. Thank you all though for letting me know its a bigger problem then just my phone or computer.

Sync doesn’t work for me either.

Ok I was able to get it fixed. I don’t know why no one is talking about this. Basically Sync was updated for greater security a little while ago. This makes all old sync codes unusable. So go to the computer you want to sync from. (I wanted to share my passwords from my home PC) so I opened my home PC and left the existing sync chain. Then i started a new sync chain. That one had a code that worked and has enough words in the password to link to new computers.