Description of the issue:
Hey there I am having a weird issue with the sync. I love the ability to use it, and I getting a new PC so i wanted to make sure sync was ready. However when I click on add device (I use windows 11) my security words pop up. Then if i click qr code it crashes all my brave pages open. I have reported the crashes. I figured maybe i would just put the security words into the new device as a way to hook it up instead of the qr code however i am told that i do not have enough words and i need to add more if i wish to sync.
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
I tried this 4 times each time with the exact same result. Immediate crash upon clicking add mobile device.
step 1 - click on sync
step 2 - click add new device
step 3 - add mobile
Then immediate crash, no error pop up or anything.
Second try
step 1 - click on sync
step 2 - click add new device
step 3 - add computer
step 4 enter the security words in the new device
Error message is sent telling me " not enough words for a security code please add more words.
Attempts 3-4 are the same
step 1 - click on sync
step 2 - click add new device
step 3 - add computer
step 4 - view QR code
Then immediate crash, no error pop up or anything.
Reproduces how often:
This issue reproduced every time with no exceptions no matter what i tried. Including updating brave.
Brave Version(See the About Brave
page in the main menu):
Version 1.41.96 Chromium: 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question:
Just my self built PC, no brave issues in the past at all running windows 11
Additional Information:
I think this covers all of it i tried to find the crash ID’s but i was not sure where to find those so i have these… I don’t know if this helps these were the context’s for the 4 crashes i was able to report
|Local Crash Context:|fb171edf-f276-4ddc-bc02-da26344d2436|
|Local Crash Context:|45a4b696-2db0-4706-897e-57f87402e73a|
|Local Crash Context:|e01a2586-bdbe-427c-a548-8a4a2c2ee1e7|
Local Crash Context: 92c8c3a3-2b82-433f-9da0-02674a89971f