Sync shows my the pages on my phone across devices, even though I have only bookmarks selected

Description of the issue:

Sync shows the pages on my phone across devices, even though I have only bookmarks selected. When I open a page on my (updated) iphone 11. The brave icon appears on my mac with a phone icon. Clicking this will take me to the page open on my phone browser. I would never want this functionality

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. Open page on iphone, in newly downloaded brave browser
  2. Behold page appearing on Mac

Reproduces how often:

100% of my attempts

Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

MacOS: Version 1.71.114 Chromium: 130.0.6723.58 (Official Build) (arm64)

iOS: 1.69.2 (172)

Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question:

iphone 11, mac mini M1

Additional Information:

Thank you for reading
Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 13.23.11