Description of the issue:
Sync v2 does not appear to sync settings
How can this issue be reproduced?
1.Set up a sync on a Windows10 2004 computer that includes bookmarks, history, open tabs, extensions and settings
2. copy sync code
3. go to 2nd Windows10 2004 paste in sync code and select same items to be sync’d
Expected result:
All of the above items should be sync’d
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.16.72 Chromium: 86.0.4240.183 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
Set up sync in between two Windows10 2004 machines running
Version 1.16.72 Chromium: 86.0.4240.183 (Official Build) (64-bit)
and told it to sync extensions, open tabs, history, settings, and bookmaks. Everything syncd except settings which I had to redo by hand on the 2nd computer. Is this normal?
Regarding sync in Brave is one of the devices considered the main computer and the other ones minor ones? For example if one adds another computer to an existing sync chain does the already sync items aka settings, bookmarks and extensions take precedence over the new computer’s corresponding items?