Suddenly amount of bat reduced

as i am using brave browser and then suddenly my bat tokens reduced first i am having 2.850 bat now after reducing i am having only 0.985 tokens plzz fix this error this my 2 months hardwork to collect these bats

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Thanks for reaching out.
The reason you’re seeing this is likely due to the change in the estimated earnings counter, as stated here:

now i check the brave reward it shows the 5 but after some time i checked the brave reward it show the 4.055 so the 1 bat is less show in the reward section on brave browser so plz solved my issue.

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Good morning, I would like to know because if I am using the BRAVE browser continuously and without stopping my BAT decreased from 4.85 USD to 1.60 USD … PLEASE CORRECT THIS ERROR, IT DOES NOT SEEM FAIR FOR USERS

I think the updated estimated earnings counter has broken the entire system. I have received 145 ads this month prior to the update and I had an estimated 12 or 13 BAT. After the update, the BAT was reduced down to 1.583. It has been stuck at 1.583 BAT and 145 ads since the update even though I am being flooded with ads. Something is definitely wrong here.

Funny how there always seem to be rest issues when your pending BAT is at its highest near the months end. The bottom line is many peoples BAT has apparently disappeared without trace, and no compensation has been offered apart from a vague explanation about a change in the ‘earnings counter’. Yes indeed there has been a change in my earnings counter; its gone from a lot more to a lot less overnight!


Why is the replies turned off the update thread? Really bad customer service and rollout of update. Was this even tested?


it took me a months or a 2 to makw 9 bats and suddenly it reduces to 2.705 bat and i dont know what to do

As it states in the Community post I linked to above:

:warning: Note: Some users were affected by a bug where very old estimated earnings (from many months ago) were being carried over month to month with no way to clear or claim these old estimated pending rewards amounts. Upon updating to v1.27, these old estimated BAT amounts will no longer appear, as the estimated pending rewards counter—now the “Current earnings this month (estimated)” counter—will now correctly show only the pending earnings for the current month.

What this means is that users that see this drop are not seeing any funds “disappear” – rather , they are seeing a more accurate reflection of their earnings for the month, because old claims that “stuck” and being carried over into the next month’s earnings have been cleared out. The numbers everyone is showing appear to be accurate to me – for example, here are my own estimates from this month:

So @thehouseofho, for example, is saying that previously it showed 12-13 BAT for 145 ads – which means there were ~10-11 unclaimed BATs that were carried over into this month (likely from long ago), even though they were earned this month. The new estimate shows ~1.5BAT for 145 ads, which appears to line up with what the expected payout would be.


Here are the questions you are not answering, or not answering clearly:

  1. “Some users were affected by a bug where very old estimated earnings (from many months ago) were being carried over month to month with no way to clear or claim these old estimated pending rewards amounts.”

This isn’t a bug it’s something you guys messed up by not carrying over old BAT and then not explaining it.

  1. “because old claims that “stuck” and being carried over into the next month’s earnings have been cleared out.”

What does this mean? Where are they? If you never activated a wallet and just let them accumulate can you still get them? I had around 42 BAT. Frankly I don’t want another wallet, I’ve got enough wallets and don’t want one just get BAT so was waiting until MM compatible. I’ve looked at ads for 7 months to get these 42 BAT where are they? Can I still let them accumulate? Where do I go to find them? Absolutely terrible communication.

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You may be experiencing something else other than this issue. Can you please DM me your wallet payment ID found on your brave://rewards-internals page so I can take a closer look?


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is nothing wrong dude… you have 145 ads for this month… so… you have to have 1.45 bats…more or less…because not all the ads pay equal…you had 12 or 13 with june+july

Me ocurre que hace dos días 24-07-2021 llegue a 2.613BAT 1.51 $ luego de terminar de trabajar en mi pc en la noche.
Al día siguiente inicio el pc y al abrir Brave me indica que tengo 2.381BAT 1.38 $ ??? escribí y me explicaron lo mismo que han comentado en el grupo. Okey no hay problema.
Acabo de parar y cerré sesión pero esta vez le tome capture a la pantalla, 2.563BAT 1.50USD.
Abro sesión luego de llegar tan solo unos minutos después, sorpresa ahora 2.573BAT1.44 USD
Pregunto: ¿Existe alguna política en las ganancias de Brave que no permita una ganancia mayor a 1.5 USD? Hago la pregunta porque de 1.51USD me llevo abajo y es cada vez que llego 1.5 USD que me resta, y para serles sinceros llevo 3 días continuos en los que se esta presentando la misma situación. Agradecería la mayor colaboración al respecto con la finalidad de aclarar esta situación que nos favorece tanto a ustedes como a nosotros.
Windows 7 Ultimate, Brave Versión 1.27.108 Chromium: 92.0.4515.107 (Build oficial) (64 Bits)

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I get that, but again, I was never prompted to claim my rewards in July, so BAT accrued in June weren’t claimed and should still be shown. It seems that the update just cleared out all BAT that wasn’t accrued in July whether or not it was claimed. This is why I don’t believe only incorrect “carryover” was removed with the update. More importantly, the ad count of 145 has now been stuck at 145 for three days even though I have received multiple ads daily.

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it took me a months or a 2 to earn 9 bats and suddenly it reduces to 2.705 bat

I get that the counter for BAT is trying to reflect the monthly count but where can I access my current balance that I had already accrued, I think I had about 15 or so since April. Are these just ‘lost’ now with the update, because that seems pretty dam dodgy if that’s the case. Maybe a link to total accumulated BAT next to monthly accruals would be worth consideration.

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