Stop Brave asking to be my default browser

How do I stop Brave asking to be my default browser?

I must be lucky Brave has never asked me to do this…hmm. Did you go into windows settings/ Apps/ Default Apps and set the browser section to Brave? and if so it still asks you this?

Hello @imanalien2020 @xhtml77

after around 3-4 times it stop asking you that at least that what happened with me

but i agree that there should be option to stop that in the first time

hope that help you with that and have a nice day :slight_smile:

It started happening this week, it needs to stop!

The only setting I can see is to make Brave the default, where is the ‘stop being annoying’ option which doesn’t require you to make Brave your default browser?

Good feature request folks!

We are going to fix this.



Good news.

What is the predicted timeline for implementation, please?

Yeah this is annoying on top of bad user experience. I have 6 browsers open right now each on their own screen (9 screens on my workstation) and having to deal with Brave constantly trying to “win” over the others is obnoxious. Also as I was typing the push notification pop up for this forum came up and stole focus, another extremely bad behavior.


The first change landed on the weekend.
So that should stop you seeing the popup all the time.

The second one needs some QA and bake time. So I’m going to take a guess and say 2 - 3 weeks until that’s live.

We are going ahead with both of those. We appreciate the feedback! Good use of the new feature request upvote section.
I’m going to close this out and implemented/resolved.