Still Getting Ads despite running Brave in Admin mode and checking filter list

I am still getting ads randomly on youtube after trying other solutions from older threads(Already tried running Brave in Admin mode) where I click on the video and sometimes an ad will pop up at the beginning but it will try to load and it will throw up a video that is roughly 15-30 seconds log and either fail to load and then proceed to play the video I clicked on, or it will try to display a video ad before the main video fail to do so and then throw up a splash screen that will show a light grey background with whatever the ad was supposed to be where I have to skip the ad or just let it time out. This is extremely annoying because it was not doing this a week ago but is now causing problems, I have tried turning off all of my extensions and it works fine until I get another add that goes through the above mentioned cycle.

  1. go to any video and just start clicking through the side bar for other vids until you get an ad popping up( this is one of many vids that gave me an ad at the beginning)

There should be no ads even playing at all period not even attempting load and waste my time regardless

This happens about 1 in every 3 videos that I just click through but it probably would happen more frequent based off the fact that some videos do not have ads on them regardless adblocker.

Windows 10 and v1.76.74 Chromium

shield settings

Filter list: only the 2 filters lists on

This is the thread with the solution at the end of it that I attempted to do but had no effect unless I misinterpreted what the solution meant by find the hidden folder and matches the update button string as when I opened it did not ask me for admin privileges.

Hello - Do you see any update errors at brave://components? Do you see this issue in a Private Window?

I just checked again and no errors came up when I clicked on all of the check for update buttons.
When I try using shields in private mode it doesn’t seem to turn on as it will say shields are down for this site desipte the menu that pops up when you click on the shields icon showing shields being turned on for the site unless that’s a private mode issue.

I would also like to point out that I also have Ublock Orgin installed which has the youtube anti adblock script plugged into it back from when Youtube first began it’s crusade against adblockers and that is also failing to catch these ads that are failing to load thus wasting my time. I have tried turning it off and running only Brave Shields and I have also done the opposite and had only Ublock Orgin with the script running and both have had the issue of not catching the ads that attempt to load like in the OP screenshot.

Update the problem still persists when I got shields working on private mode but only when I am logged into my main youtube account. When I was not logged in it would not show an ad in private mode but the moment I logged in on the 3rd video I got the screenshot I have in this post.
This is very frustrating as this feels like it invalidates the whole point of the browser if it can’t even block an ad on the site that 90% of it’s user base will spend it’s time on.

edit for grammar

@FIXYOURWHACKBROWSER generally Brave does block everything. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and have absolutely no problem. The same can be said for millions of other users.

Wrong filter lists. Not sure why you have mobile notifications one on? Especially since you’re on desktop. You should have:

  • Fanboy's Annoyances + uBO Annoyances, which you currently have off.
  • And maybe… Brave Experimental Adblock Rules

Not related to blocking ads, but I do have YouTube Anti-Shorts on as well because I didn’t like seeing all the Shorts presented by YouTube.

Just out of curiosity, what settings do you have at brave://settings/shields

Is very weird. I mean, makes it sound like something tied to your specific account. If you say that having it signed out never shows ads then that could be another interesting things to consider.

Perhaps might be good for you to test on a new browser profile or even to grab Brave Beta or Brave Nightly and see if the issue happens there as well.

It’s happening whenever I seem to be signed in on even with a fresh install of brave nightly.

Here are my shield settings for normal brave

additionally I tried using the 2 filter lists that you recommended and it’s still not working

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Indeed is very weird. Especially as you mentioned is also an issue when using uBlock Origin. I’m not sure if @shivan or @fanboynz can reach out and have anything they can try to figure out with you.