Split window view

I often compare websites, but I don’t want to seperate the tabs to a window each and then put them aside.

It would be so helpful to have a split view inside of Brave itself.

Concept suggestion:

  1. All tabs are placed left handed per default.

  2. Tabs can be placed left or right like a group.

  3. If I right click a tab, I select “split right”. Now that tab copies to right and the view is split.

  4. Alternatively there is a “toggle split view” button.

This is the only reason I use Arc browser now. The mini pop-out video player is nice on Arc too


Yeah I would love to have this, one of the main reason why I can’t fully switch to Brave from vivaldi on my work PC.


YES. Edge browser already has this feature, that quite useful


Sidekick has split view too, moreover:

  • sidebar apps can be used as split by default
  • sidebar apps can have more users/sessions
  • sidebar apps opens “over” tabs, so they are not just links

+1 to the feature, Firefox has it via an official extension and is really useful for multitasking and development for multiple screen sizes

+1 for this feature. Please add it ASAP.

@msz already exists in Beta and Nightly. Meaning shouldn’t be long before it arrives to normal version of Brave


Yeah. it would be awesome.
I saw its already in Beta version. waiting for it to be stable.

Looking forward to this.

Any update on when this will arrive?

@Dezz I know it’s still in Beta and making its way through. Github has an old issue to enable it by default for version 1.75. I’m not sure if that’s the goal for Release?

When I’m looking at what I believe is the main issue for tracking this, they have a lot of things work on yet. You can see it at https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/36986. This will be the one to keep an eye on as an indicator for when it’s authorized and going to be pushed to Release…I think. I could be wrong.

And to give an idea of things they are trying to work on:

I don’t see the split view feature on beta or the currently installed nightly.

Version 1.77.45 Chromium: 133.0.6943.98 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit)

@SudoMason in Beta or Nightly, right-click on any open tab and you should see the New Split View option in the context menu:

I don’t have that option. Using Linux btw.

Can you please check your brave://version page and, under Active variations, confirm that BraveSplitViewStudy:Enabled is present?

Additionally, if you go to brave://flags, search for brave-split-view and check and confirm that this flag is set to Enabled (it should already say Default (Enabled)).

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I checked brave://version, but it didn’t display any split view values. However, brave://flags did show the option, and it was disabled by default. After enabling it and relaunching, I was able to use the feature.

Thanks for pointing that out! This raises the question, why did the developers disable such a highly requested feature by default in the Linux nightly build? It seems counterintuitive for a nightly release. Could this have been an oversight that we just happened to catch?

As we have not see many reports of this it’s likely not a widespread bug. I’ve informed our team regardless in case the issue is affecting more users.

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Fair enough.

Thanks again. I appreciate your assistance.

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I’m liking this feature so far on Beta. Currently, it is possible to initiate a split view by right-clicking on a link on a website and selecting “open link in split view”, but once the split view is opened, that right-click option disappears and it is not possible to open other links in the right pane in this manner (within the same split view “session”). Is this something that could be considered?

My use case is I have an RSS reader in the left pane and I like to open articles successively in the right pane without having to destroy/create a new split view each time. I’ve found I can drag the link up to the right tab in the tab bar but this feels a little tedious tbh.

Thanks for your consideration :slight_smile: