Speedreader truncating articles

Description of the issue: Brave speedreader mode does not correctly detect full article text

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Take a look at the following article:
  2. Make sure speedreader is turned on

Expected result: Speedreader should show full article text (with different formatting)

Brave Version( check About Brave):1.58.127

**Additional Information: The following article is an example of a case where speedreader does not correctly detect and display the full article text:

In speedreader mode on my browser, the article text begins with “Fentanyl has become the most common drug found in New York City overdose cases in the last five years…” If you look at the article in normal reading mode, you can see that the paragraph beginning with that sentence is actually the tenth paragraph in the article (!).

I notice that the indicated paragraph (first in speedreader mode, tenth in normal mode) occurs directly under an image which is the same size as the article’s featured image at the top. Maybe the speedreader algorithm gets thrown off by the second image and thinks that’s the beginning of the article.

At the risk of stating the obvious, this issue undermines trust in the speedreader mode to the point that I’m wary of using it. If I am worried that a substantial portion of the article is going to be cut off (nine paragraphs is a lot, even when they’re short, newspaper-style paragraphs), then it’s hard to feel comfortable using the speedreader. Now I feel like I need to check the original version of the article (instead of just using speedreader) in order to verify that I’m not missing important content. So until there is some progress on this issue it’s difficult to see relying on speedreader, or using it much at all.


@gdcutting I want to be clear here but it’s not cutting things out. I’m not sure what it is about the article, but it was just organized differently. On normal mode, the text that comes after the picture.

So all the information is indeed included.

I’d also like to challenge you to check all other articles. For example, I went to https://gothamist.com/news/ex-buildings-boss-schemed-to-empty-fire-victim-shelter-to-get-a-luxury-condo-manhattan-da-says and they both are the same.

My guess is it’s in all how the page is formatted. But again, if you compare, everything there is listed. It just flip flopped the order on the one article you shared.

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