Someone help me¿?

I reinstalled my windows and I try to verify my uphold account and it tells me to reach the limit, I only use a pc … will I lose my bat? is there any way to get them back?

Any BAT currently in your Uphold account will stay there. The message you are seeing means that you have already linked 4 devices to the same Uphold account and subsequently cannot link any more.

What I mean is that since that came out I have not received BAT in my uphold account … does it mean that those BAT that were left in the wallet that did not go to uphold lost them?

I am having the same problem… But I created a Creators account: Link

From that link I can donate all my BATs to myself… And then it gets transferred into my Uphold Account…
If you want to create a Creators account, follow this link: Brave Creators | Sign Up

If you reinstalled Windows and had BAT that were not transferred to Uphold before you reinstalled, those BAT are lost. I’m sorry.

While this may work sometimes, it will eventually get flagged – we strongly advise you do not self-tip.

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