Some website elements suddenly turned black


I have a black frame around some website elements, on some websites the textboxes are all black and when I hover with the cursor over the hyperlinks they turn white and the text turns white after I selected it.

I’m using the browser for a while now and I never had this issue, it suddenly appeared without changing the settings.

I hope you can help, thanks in advance

Can you please tell me what browser theme you’re using at this time? Do you have it set to light, dark or “same as system”? Can you also tel l me if you have the #enable-force-dark flag enabled in brave://flags?

The settings are mostly default. I can’t find anything related to “browser theme” in the settings so I guess it’s default. Yes my browser and system are both in light mode. #enable-force-dark is disabled (default).

It seems like the problem solved itself. I didn’t changed anything in the settings when the problem appeared. Today, 3 or 4 days later, when I started the PC the problem was gone.