Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.
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Description of the issue: How can this issue be reproduced?
open any website that has videos
play any video in full screen
making sure you have the side bar always on
Expected result:
after the previous update and the latest one… whenever I open any full screen video the sidebar icons appear at the left of the screen and they aren’t interactable
Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.63.131 Additional Information:
i’m using win10 and win11 on my other pc…and both of them have the same issue…i already tried disabling it and enabling it again after restarting the app…and it’s consistant in both devices
I’m using 1.62.153 and this is an issue ever since the update.
To answer Mattches’ questions:
I’m on Windows 10
I’ve tried disabling > relaunching > enabling
I have my browser maximized (not F11 fullscreen)
The only way I can get this to go away is temporarily disable the sidebar or put it into the mouseover mode, neither of which are an acceptable long-term solution for me. I use the sidebar constantly throughout the day and I like it to be always available, but it makes watching videos in fullscreen completely unbearable.
Apologies for the late reply here — I was out sick all last week. Can everyone here confirm for me that the issue persists after updating to the latest build (v1.62.156)?
Yes, I’m running 1.62.156 and it’s still there for me. In fact, I actually think it might be worse, since almost all the icons are showing up in fullscreen now. Before, it was just a couple of them.
Just checking back in to say that it’s still an issue for me. Two updates since this issue appeared now. It wouldn’t be so bad if not for the fact that I use the sidebar a lot. Any progress on figuring out what the issue is?
Unfortunately no, I do not have any updates at this time. The team is aware of the issue however and will hopefully have t his assigned soon. You can track the progress of the issue by checking in on the Github issue linked above.