Serbian Localization Chaos

Description of the issue:

Brave browser localization on Ubuntu Linux system with Serbian language localization is bad. It uses both Cyrillic and Latin scripts at the same time (big NO-NO). Brave localization cannot be changed manually on UNIX-like systems. Localization strings shared with Chromium base are OK. Some Brave-specific translation strings sound weird and confusing.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Install the Brave Browser on a Ubuntu Linux with the system language set to Serbian;
  2. Open the Brave Browser while being a Serbian speaker;
  3. Get frustrated by a mishmash of Cyrillic and Latin scripts and some bad translations.

Expected result:

The entire browser interface localization should be in either Cyrillic (official script) or Latin. Since the Brave browser on UNIX-like OS is pulling the localization from the system-wide language without the option to set the language manually (e.g. to English), it should be consistent with the system language version (Serbian Cyrillic OR Serbian Latin, not both together!).

Brave Version( check About Brave):

1.32.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45

Additional Information:

I did a comparison with the Chromium browser localization (since the Brave is based upon it), and those bad translation strings are Brave-specific addition. Anything shared with the Chromium base is OK.

I would really love to switch my default web browser to Brave this very moment, but the issue is driving me nuts. I am willing to redo the problematic translation strings myself if there is an option to do that.

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