Selecting text on page not hightlighting

Description of the issue: When selecting text on certain websites, the text is not highlighting (regardless of if shields are on or off).

Exact URL of the website in question: + (workdomain)

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no) Yes

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? No

Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no): No (not working when shields are off)

Does the site work as expected when using Chrome? Yes

Brave version (check About Brave): Version 1.73.89 Chromium: 131.0.6778.69 (Official build) (64-bit)

Additional Notes: I first noticed on X and didn’t think much of it (at the end of the day, fairly low priority to have your post text highlight in X, figured it was due to something with X). However I just noticed this morning that service-now is having the same issue using my company’s subdomain. Not sure how this can be replicated, hoping that some of the Brave developers are also using SNOW internally and can test against their own version? Switching over to chrome, I can select text without issue on (workdomain)

Similar (previous) posts:

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I have no trouble highlighting websites’ text on a Windows OS Lenova desktop PC with new Brave Browser installation; using a Brave Browser New Window, and also using a Brave Browser New Private Window.

Shields UP with settings for both Browser window types:

  • blocking fingerprinting, and
  • blocking 3rd party / cross-site tracking
  • but not blocking other cookies, and
  • not blocking javascripts

Tested and other websites.

What version of Brave are you on? I noticed on X when creating a post (and then trying to select text to make edits), I’ll post a .gif later on to show.

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As did I and others. Already had a topic going before you created this one.

Based on what has been said it seems that this is a chromium issue that is going to be getting fixed.

You did mention the second website which is why I didn’t close this one as a duplicate. I am going to tag @Mattches just so he is aware of both websites. But then I’m going to hope that he May also follow up on the one I linked to just above. From my understanding this is in chromium and is not just a Brave thing. And I think it’s saying it already gets fixed. So I’m not sure if we just have to be patient for the fix to come out or what we can do in the meanwhile

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I’m having this same issue on Over the past couple of days suddenly I cannot highlight text even as a write it in the post or reply boxes. Instead a dashed-line box appears around the entire text which apparently does copy it as I was able to paste, but it selects all instead of just a snippet. This is frustrating as I may be trying to highlight a specific word or sentence for copying or editing. When I log into X on Chrome highlighting text still works as normal.
Brave Browser Version 1.73.89 Chromium: 131.0.6778.69 (Official build) (64-bit)
Chrome browser that works correctly is version 131.0.6778.70

I did not test that - it was not mentioned in your OP.

As @Saoiray wrote, the fix is likely up to Chromium developers.

Sorry did not see the existing post out there, thank you for tagging.

And thank you for ensuring you brought attention to ServiceNow in addition to X (and not just closing this as a dupe). I’m sure for most users, X takes priority. But for those of us in the DevOps world, trying to free-ball copy work notes from INCs/CHGs/RELs where you may be copying hundreds of lines at a time (depending on what is in the worknotes) can get real difficult real quick.

I’m all for resolving this post and merging it into the original post if that helps to organize things?

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I’ll leave that at the discretion of @Mattches but may merge the two in a bit. For now though, just want to see what he can find out and perhaps test.

@Illutari just noticed today’s update fixed for X. Can you tell me if it resolved for ServiceNow as well?

Apologies for the late reply, but it did resolve my issue on both X and ServiceNow. Thanks!

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