Seeing google ads?

When i go to youtube i see google ads this has just started
I cleared the cookies and restarted the browser but the problem still persists
How do i fix this

These aren’t blocked, they’re selfpromos for their own site (like youtube tv also). What we do block on youtube is the other banner ads for 3rd-parties, video ads and text ads

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This did not happen before. Also, ads appear while watching videos. :thinking:

Might’ve showed up just now, but we never targeted these self promo notices

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I’ve never encountered this before, it didn’t happen in Brave.Could google be trying something new?

Occasionally its reported, ensure ads/trackers = Blocked. But clearing google/youtube cookies (and maybe cache) and refreshing the page.

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The problem still continues. So I temporarily installed uBlock Origin.
Will you update the filter list and when?

thanks for the answer
already set to aggressive

You can also edit what ads Brave filters by going to: brave://adblock/

You can subscribe to new lists and more. You can also add your own filters to block ads by right clicking and selecting “Block Element”.


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