Seeing ads please fix

The website has a 5 second screen blocking ad to subscribe to their bs. Its annoying.
Im on a samsung mobile using brave browserwith
Im on agressive and i cant block scripts as it breaks the site.
I’d send a support ticket but it seems they got rid of it. Please help anyonr i fucking hate ads that especially steal my time sitting thete doing nothing is the website


Same issue, tried the content filtering in settings, no luck so far.
This is the Ad right, god damn annoying.

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Thats exatly it!!! They keep making the website worse. Im just going to use aggregator websites until theyre done being dumb. If you find a solution hit me up

These are consider self promos, add Fanboy Annoyances in brave://settings/shields/filters to clean it up

Im on mobile as initially stated so this is not a valid solution sadly

Sadly until they make brave browser more like the computer version. This will be hard

@Silentclock that exists on mobile, you know?

Settings → Shields → Content Filtering

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Thank you for showing me this. Sadly all the options do not seem to work. Adblock on brave now simply shows this instead

So brave or the site did something. Hopefully something fixes it soon

Its down (now) according to Cloudflare

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Sadly im still seeing the back ground of the ad

I’m seeing this as well — looks like the promotion is being “blocked” but the overlay is still present. cc @fanboynz to take another look.

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Actually looks like @fanboynz fixed this. To make sure you get the fix:

  1. Launch Brave on Android and go to Settings --> Shields --> Content filtering
  2. Ensure that the Fanboy's Annoyances + uBO Annoyances option is toggled “on”
  3. Tap the Update button on the top-right of the screen to force-update the filters. You should see a message stating that the filters were updated.

After this, please go back to the page and refresh and you should be good to go. Worked for me on my end.

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God bless i was about yo say ti was fixed but to know that @fanboynz fixed it is amazing. Thank you so much. I hope i kever have to write here again

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