Upon searching the word “Oreshnik,” 100% of the results on the first page were from known controlled propaganda-dissemination. This search quarry is an example, such results are typical.
No crime is more heinous than willfully inhibiting access to knowledge; publishers prostituting propaganda are breaking the Internet and those responsible - the individual, living entities responsible - will be held accountable.
I really like the many of Brave’s modifations to Chromium geared at returning control of the user experience to the user, but -willful or not- this kind of native-driving is a deal breaker for me.
May interest:
The place to begin understanding Brave Goggles in detail:
In order to store your new “goggle” online, I did find some worthy guidance that has examples/illustrations about, how to use GitHub Gist:
brave/quickstart > Issues
An example:
“danispringer” asked:
Is there no wildcard for something like this?
“remusao” replied:
Apologies for the delay, there is currently no way to specify a wildcard in
option but it’s one of the most requested features. Thanks for bringing it up.
Unanswered goggles question from 2023:
uBlacklist (suggested by “tonsooton”):
Here is a current link to Brave Search operators, for anybody who stumbles onto this webpage:
@Bumner I’d suggest you research stuff you plan to use. Always irks me when people go around complaining about things they don’t understand. To be clear, results not being what you want is a valid bit of feedback. But the whole jumping to wrong conclusions and making false accusations about propaganda and all is silly.
You may want to read through some info as I’ve written and provided links on below:
The first two replies have been very informative and helpful. I will point out that the main reason this bothers me is that fallback mixing is off. I understand that the more powerful media platforms have methods for increasing their ranking which are largely outside of Brave’s control. I find comfort knowing there are those who are aware of this phenomenon and actively seek solutions.
Greatly appreciated!