Goggles (beta) is now available in Brave Search

Brave Search turns one today! :tada: :cake:
We’re celebrating this anniversary by releasing the long-awaited Goggles (beta) to all Search users.

Goggles gives you the power to search without limits. It allows you to choose, alter, or extend the ranking of Brave Search results.

To get started with the Goggles beta, simply conduct a search at search.brave.com and click the Goggles tab on the results page. Anybody can make Goggles, use ones created by others, and see the source code for already existing Goggles—and extend it—by visiting the Github repository.

Over the past year, Brave Search has crossed some notable milestones, including 2.5 billion total queries and a daily high of 14.1 million queries. We’re making it seamless for users to browse and search with guaranteed privacy, all while fighting the censorship and overreach of Big Tech companies. And, rather than just offer a privacy-first copy of Google, we’re continuing to innovate with features such as Discussions and Goggles.

Click here if you’d like to read more: https://brave.com/search-anniversary/



Using Brave Browser > Brave Search > Brave Community Goggles . . . searched for 1 criteria: ‘SecPolicyCreateBasicX509’


I expected Brave Search > Brave Community Goggles, to find a recent post by @fanboynz :

But the Brave Search > Brave Community Goggles result, is a disappointment:

Brave Search should find the exact search terms used (by both Brave and the searcher), at:

  • Brave Help Center
  • Brave Community

When a search term is a match for term used at either site, that match / result should be at the top of the results.

And, if only one match, then produce the result . . . instead of:

‘Not many great matches . . .’

With probable assistance from on high, I found the match before Brave Search found the match.

Thanks for bringing this up — on my end, I tested this without Goggles to see if it would come up also and it did not. I also tried SecPolicyCreateBasicX509 brave and SecPolicyCreateBasicX509 brave community on Brave Search and did not see the result you were looking for. I did however see it about the 14th result down when searching on Google. So this may be a more general indexing issue/deficiency rather than an issue with Goggles themselves.

I’ve passed this onto the search team to look into.

1 Like

Thank you for releasing Goggles! We’ve been playing around with it for our use case (information security) and after creating our first goggle based around the subreddit /r/netsec we released a tool to help do the same thing for any other subreddit or combination of subreddits. Hopefully others will get value out of this as well.

Happy Friday!

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