Search engines and enterprise policies

Hello everyone, I’d like to request the following features to be added to brave:

  1. Exporting and importing custom search engines and their settings to a file for easy importing across devices for personal use.

  2. Setting custom search engines through enterprise policies ( linux / windows ).

    a. Being able to use custom search engines organization-wide allows me to enforce a unified workflow of internal and external tools through the browser as an interface.

  3. Additional enterprise policy settings to further lock down the browser.

    The current settings don’t seem to have a switch in the policies:

    I. Brave Colors ( Dark / Light mode ).
    II. Theme ( GKT+ / Classic theme ) on linux.
    III. Show autocomplete in address bar.
    IV. Show top sites in autocomplete suggestions.
    V. Show Brave suggested sites in autocomplete suggestions.
    VI. Hide Brave Rewards button.
    VII. Always show bookmarks on new tab page.
    VIII. Use system title bar and borders on linux.
    IX. Show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon.
    X. Default view ( Simple view / Advanced view ) of the Shield menu.
    XI. Trackers & ads blocking ( Aggressive / Standard / Disabled ).
    XII. Upgrade connections to HTTPS.
    XIII. Block scripts.
    XIV. Cookie blocking ( All / Only cross-site / Disabled ).
    XV. Fingerprinting blocking ( Strict, may break sites / Standard / Disabled ).
    XVI. Allow Google login buttons on third party sites.
    XVII. Allow Facebook logins and embedded posts.
    XVIII. Allow Twitter embedded tweets.
    XIX. Allow LinkedIn embedded posts.
    XX. Ethereum provider for using Dapps ( Ask / None / Crypto Wallets ).
    XXI. Load Crypto Wallets on startup.
    XXII. Hangouts.
    XXIII. Method to resolve IPFS resources ( Ask / Gateway / Disabled ).
    XXIV. IPFS public gateway address.
    XXV. IPFS public gateway fallback.
    XXVI. Redirect IPFS resources to the configured IPFS gateway.
    XXVII. IPFS Companion.
    XXVIII. Automatically redirect .onion sites.
    XXIX. WebTorrent.
    XXX. Widevine.
    XXXI. WebRTC IP handling policy:
    	a. Default.
    	b. Default public and private interfaces.
    	c. Default publc interface only.
    	d. Disable non-proxied UDP.
    XXXII. Automatically send completely private product analytics to Brave.
    XXXIII. Use Google services for push messaging.
    XXXIV. Auto Sign-in ( Automatically signing in using stored credentials ).
    XXXV. Show Wayback Machine prompt on 404 pages.

    For the Dashboard:

    I. Show Background Images.
    II. Show Sponsored Images.
    III. Show Brave Stats.
    IV. Show Top Sites.
    V. Show Brave Today.
    VI. Show Clock.
    VII. Format ( Automatic / 12-hour clock / 24-hour clock ).
    VIII. Cards.
    IX. Binance.
    XI. Brave Rewards.

    Additional requests:

    I. Hiding the 'Brave Rewards' button in the navbar in the settings page ( brave://settings ).
    II. Hiding the 'Crypto Wallets' button in the navbar...
    III. Adding a setting to force pin the folder(s) / bookmark(s) from the 'Managed Bookmarks' setting on the toolbar / bookmark bar.