Roblox is showing ads back again. (Roblox Homepage)

Description of the issue
When I go to the Roblox website’s homepage, I see that these ad banners have returned. However, when I go to any profile, there are no ads coming back, confirming that fanboyz made a commit on Easylist Github.
The exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave

Did the issue present with [default Shields settings] ( (yes/no)**
Yes, as well as Aggressive mode.

Does the site function as expected when shields are turned off?
Is there a specific shield configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no):**
Does the site work as expected when using Firefox with UBO?
Yes, the ads are blocked by UBO default lists in Firefox; I’m curious why they aren’t blocked in Brave.
Brave version (check About Brave):

Version 1.36.119 Chromium: 99.0.4844.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I rechecked this, seems fine here? Try testing in private window mode.

Does it show any blocked items in Shields, Ads & Trackers?

I just checked the Roblox homepage and logged in to my account in private window mode, and there were no ads seeing on the page, but only about ten or so were blocked by the Brave Shields. When I go to my brave profile’s Roblox homepage, I see about 30+ ads and trackers blocked in brave shields. These ads sometimes come back when I go to the Roblox homepage.

So, as proof, I’ve attached a screenshot of how many ads and trackers Brave Shields blocked in private window mode:

Which extensions do you have installed, does disabling all of them and re-testing Roblox in standard mode window mode (shields = Aggressive) show ads?

On my Brave browser, I have about 8 extensions installed. One of my 8 extensions is a third-party Roblox extension called RoGold, which adds many useful features to Roblox. When I disable Brave Shields completely, there will be a lot of ads at the bottom and to the left of the site. Yes, this happens to me occasionally when I retest Roblox in standard window mode, even with aggressive mode shields enabled. It’s difficult to predict when these ads will reappear because I usually only find them sometimes, which is not the case right now. I will let you know when these ads come back on the Roblox webpage.

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