Rendering issues

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So, yesterday i tried brave for the first time in a change of chrome and I’ve been loving it. The major problem I am having is related to rendering of brave it self, and not only the page. This rendering problem occurs randomly inside brave(not always in the same place);
This is how it usualy looks with the bug
How can this issue be reproduced?
I’m not realy sure to be honest, since I’ve never found anyone with the same problem
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave):

V1.16.72 Chromium to 86.0.4240.183

Hi @TomasCosta, Welcome to Community!
Do you have any extensions or themes installed?

Hi @Aa-ron
Thanks for your response!
I do not have any theme installed as far as I am concerned. And my extensions were imported from chrome.

Can you try disabling “Hardware acceleration…” which can be found under Brave’s Settings, @TomasCosta?


I did it and seemed like the problem is fixed since nothing happened since then. Thx for the help!

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