Related to Payout

can’t see my payout date on my creators dashboard I have 14.75 Bat and it is showing payment in progress .
When I will receive my payment

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@Brijes221 publishers payout is happens around 8th, every month, US time zone. It’ll sent your contribution that you received from 1-31 of previous month.


i not receving any token and my payment showing a payment in progress and i not receiver any bat token in my uphold account
how many day my payment are proceed to my account tel me here

@abhimanyu101 today/yesterday payout is for contribution that you received from 1st-31th of previous month. Contribution that you received after that period will be paid next month.

I have one more question I have created wallet in uphold and I completed all the process, uploaded national identity
But it has been more than 3 days and it still shows account under review??

Can you help on this …

And if it does not get verified then I will receive payment on next month or not ???

New to uphold and brave so I am full of doubts

Are you saying that your Uphold account is under review or your Brave publisher account is under review?

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I am saying my uphold account is under review and it has been more than 3days

Can I receive my payment as my uphold account is under review

Your uphold account will have to be in good standing and connected to your Brave publisher account before a payout can be successful.

I would suggest that you follow up with Uphold support to make sure they have the information necessary to make a determination on your account status.

today is 8th June and when I will get my payment my uphold is ready and also connected as well
And I still not received any thing it is showing Payout in progress

@Brijes221 payout is happens around 8th, US time zone.

Thanks for your patience.

Today is 10th still haven’t received anything
How much more I have to wait

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