What is this ? Today us 9th of the month but still my payout is pending

When is this credited in my account ?


Still on progres maybe

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Hi, the payout is still in progres, it takes a while, usually 9/10 of every month, Regards.

I have face to same problem

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Today 9 oct i"ve been got my payment just now just be patient guys the team still works for distributions BAT :slight_smile:


I have not received my payment yet.


brave is paying out now20191009_150445

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My uphold account is Full Verify and it connect to brave publisher account. My Brave publisher account has 91 bat tokens. Will I get my payment today or not?

Plese be patient brave will payout

I haven’t received my payment yet. What does this happen Screenshot_2019-10-09-13-34-49|690x388

Heyy @butete please dm me in Instagram @romilsingh45

Hi @Romil,

As long as you are verified with Uphold, are able to login, and have a pending balance you should get paid out fine this month. If there are any problems, please contact me directly and I can help you get paid.

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stilll pending

Bro be patient youll get pay on nov 8th

I have not received my payment yet.

Hello everyone!
If you still have not received a payout and you believe you should have, this likely means there is a suspension or block placed on your account for a specific reason. Please DM @Asad, @steeven or myself with the email associated with your Creator account and we can take a look on our end.

Thank you.