Region is not supported in Brave Rewards unable to connect my uphold wallet

Hey @steeven @Mattches I unable to connect my uphold wallet in brave reward
when i try to reconnect my uphold wallet it shows an error that region is not supported but in my region there is currently running ads plzz help me to solve this problem.

country Name is India


Brave version Used currently :


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You are in an unsupported region, so you can’t connect your browser to the exchange, simply as that.

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Thanks @Prinson for help

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How can i store my bat coin on an external Storage ? I want to restore My device,

I am sorry I have no idea on this issue.
Please Create a Topic around your issue and post it in the forum

@ZoD This post gives a way to manually backup and restore-

Hi. Where can I find the supported regions/countries? I’m in Switzerland and since two weeks I’m not getting the same error. Does this mean that I’m no longer able to collect rewards?