Reading Mode for web pages

There is no reading mode available in browser for android and windows. reading mode is useful when reading long articles with unnecessary clutter.

I have read about Speed Reader Mode but I cant find it anywhere .

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Because it’s not available yet. It’s a “research”.

For now:
On Android, you can use Simplified Views. Go to Brave’s Settings > Accessibility.

On desktop, IIRC you can use “Distill page” from Main Menu.


Thanks for the info. One more issue is I can’t download any files on android. It says “Sd card not found”. I use one plus 6t and it doesn’t have Sd card. Please help.

Please see Can't Download, SD Card not Found

Hi, any news about a button for “reader/reading mode” as Opera or Firefox?

Thank you!

You can activate the SpeedReader feature using a flag if you like.

I highly recommend it :wink:

navigate to brave://flags
search for speedreader
set the option to enabled
restart Brave

a SpeedReader setting will be available in the Appearance of Brave Settings.

here is the flags page

and here is the settings page


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Generally, I agree with your suggestions.


Going to brave://flags/ I’ve had varied experience editing the options. One bad experience: disabling New Tab Page Branded Wallpapers and New Tab Page Demo Branded Wallpapers resulted in the entire Appearance section of Settings disappearing.

Specific to Brave’s Speedreader option in Windows installations, I suggest leaving the Enable Reader Mode flag set to Default. The result (for me): when I load a page with content that Speedreader can distill, I see the Brave Speedreader icon toward the right end of the omnibox. I can toggle it on or off.

A Speedreader alternative: toward the bottom of Settings | Appearance, there’s a switch for Speedreader. Default is off. If you switch this to on, Speedreader will automatically distill pages it can process. That’s not what I want, but the option is available.

More info here: What is Speedreader?