However, if I login with Chrome, FF or Edge to the same PMS it will refresh in the couple of secs. stating it’s either up to date or an update is available. I have cleared all data and cookies for this site and it does not help.
I disabled Brave Shields and unblocked 3rd party cookies for my server’s hostname, the domain, and the subdomain a LOOONG time ago, and I never had this problem.
Yes, very. Especially has it does not happen with the other browsers. I’ve also noticed other things not working in Plex when using Brave. eg: If a Movie or TV Show is watched on a device it’s not automatically updated in Brave until you refresh the page. Also if someone is watching something and your in the Dashboard page it will not show that someone is watching until you refresh the page.
It seems like all the things that should automatically change without a page refresh are not doing so. It does in other browsers though.
So there’s no way to make Brave behave like the other Browsers for this one site? It is just that Brave is now the only Browser I use and I don’t what to use another just so one site works as it supposed to.
Which means you should click the Brave Icon and you’ll see the Current state of Brave Shields and a single toggle switch to toggle all shields On or Off.
2.Refresh browser.
Which means: Hit F5 on your keyboard. Try Ctrl+R or click the "Refresh button if F5 did nothing.
Refreshing is done to make sure that the page reloads along with all external scripts/assets/etc.
like last time
But when, unlike last time, the shields are down, anything that got blocked earlier will now be loaded like in other browsers.
Brave will usually auto-refresh the page when shields are toggled, but better safe than sorry.
3.What if that didn’t work?
Permissons or restrictions specific to your Plex server may have been created if you toggled a bunch stuff on/off in an attemp to fix the page functionality.
Go into the setting and look for access permissions.
Remove all that contain your Plex server’s URL IP or Hostname to reset them to defaults and then toggle shields off and refresh the page.
Change them directly to remove/relax all restrictions.
Allow all cookies
Allow all fingerprinting
Allow all trackers & ads
Allow scripts (or do not block scripts)
Do not force HTTPS
Then you should only have to make sure the page gets refreshed after you close the settings tab.