i’m kinda surprised that i seem to be the first one requesting the option to add simple separators to your bookmark folders (right-click "Add separator…).
i migrated from firefox to brave, and i lost my much needed separators, because brave lacks the ability to add them. i work a lot with bookmarks (folders) and they help me to keep things organized within them.
i’m guessing this wouldn’t be too big of a deal to integrate.
it’s a simple feature - yet, it can be very important to someones structure and ability to work efficient with brave.
please consider adding it with the next update, thanks.
Definitely needed! I imported my FF bookmarks which contained hundreds of separators and all disappeared to a disorganized mess. I guess I can re-organize them into even more folders, but only one folder is viewable at a time (in the same hierarchy), which is really time consuming. With separators, you can view many categorizations / groupings at once…
Those work-around drag-n-drop website folder separators each takes the ENTIRE HIEGHT of a full bookmark. Not practical. Maybe they’re good for a few.
I’m a heavy bookmarks user as well. This should not be a complex thing to implement and could help a lot of people like us that rely on bookmarks as a centralized knowledge hub.