Photoshop for Web Not Supported

I figured would tag them in because I’ve seen others with the issue and I figured that there’s possibility that:

  • They might figure out a way to modify things to bypass this restriction and to get it working


  • Contact Adobe to figure out what needs to be done for compatibility. This is especially true if they are trying to purposefully block Brave from working on the site, which is what I believe you’re saying.

And that’s the other reason. Just confirmation of whether they will say it’s not going to change at all or if there’s a better way to implement things in the browser so things like this will work.

Thanks for all the info though, Emi. I agreee they might be quite limited and this would be one of the issues that take a backseat, just like how Google Voice Search has been waiting to be fixed for years and how Fedup has been waiting for a fix to the random 30 second delays on YT live chat to load which only seems to happen on Brave and no other browser.

I’m not sure that Brave would prioritize this issue, especially if there’s not a lot of people reporting it as a problem. But definitely would be nice to know more officially and to make sure that the devs are aware of the issue at least.