Philippine Country Brave User

I’m using Brave Browser Desktop in my new laptop for 1+ month now. I am new to Brave Rewards, I used brave browser because of the brave rewards feature that they have.

Now, that when I signup on Uphold account so that I can claim my rewards, my Uphold Account is not verified due to my country Philippines is not in their list that the Uphold support it. Same with Gemini Wallet. So I was sad :frowning: coz there is not way that I can claim the rewards which I hardly spent days to used the brave browser and click those Ads which will notified in my laptop.

And then an Ads notified about the Brave Wallet. So my excitement is back coz maybe I can claim the rewards using Brave Wallet. :slight_smile: So, I go to the the Brave Rewards page and check if there is an option that I can claim the rewards and transfer it to my Brave Wallet, but my emotion is back to sad :frowning: coz I cannot find the option to transfer it on my Brave Wallet.

So what now? Is there anyways to transfer it on my Brave Wallet? Please help, I like Brave Browser because of the brave rewards, it is unique. No other browser doing it. But it this rewards cannot be claim because of limited Options. So, that is a question.

I am also questioning, why there is a Brave Wallet but the Brave Rewards cannot be transfer to Brave Wallet? So why?

I thought, developing a Brave Wallet will help some issue on claiming rewards from those don’t have verified Uphold or Gemini Wallet because some country is not supported.

Hope this message would realize the Devs or Management of this Brave Company. Think of it. We develop a products to solve some issue of the existing other products, not because we just developed without a main purpose. :slight_smile:

Sad life Philippines number 1

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