Philippine User can't connect to Gemini Account

Briefly describe your issue:

I signed up for Gemini and was verified and trying to connect it to Brave Rewards but it keeps on saying “your request is still being processed, please wait. Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.”

I’m from the Philippines.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?

Windows 10. Latest version as of March 3. (Sorry I can’t get the exact version number as i’m on my phone )

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)


What date did you verify your wallet?

February 2022

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

Not Yet. New user.

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)


Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?


Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?


Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

I don’t have Uphold.

I’m not from the Philippines, but I contacted Gemini when this happened to me, and they turned around within 2 days - you might want to give that a shot? Cheers.

i also have this problem…my gemini account has already verified and connected to brave but suddenly disconnected and i cant log in anymore…it always keep on saying to try again…can you help me fix this problem…my gemini account is already verified around december or january, and i also received january rewards

Thanks will try this out

This notice was posted in the Brave Rewards/Brave Ads Support category.

I do not think anything has changed. According to the Brave Data Transparency Feed, “Earnings available for creator contributions only” in the Philippines.

That sucks. Why will you punish a whole country just because of some spammers or fraudsters

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