ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS? : UPHOLD verification - all regions except "PHILIPPINES"


Verifying Brave Rewards with Uphold is available for all regions supported by Uphold, “EXCEPT PHILIPPINES”

    supports only 19 countries; PHILIPPINES is NOT INCLUDED

  2. JFIX solely for JAPAN

How do we proceed with the rewards verification so we can receive our earned MONTHLY brave rewards if neither one of your 3 partnered wallets doesn’t allow PHILIPPINES with your recent updates?


You can’t. They are working on trying to fix things and even looking at more options for exchanges.

Not true. India, Russia, Ukraine, and many others also are not able to connect to Uphold.

Also, in the notice they left about Philippines not being able to connect, they also had mentioned Vietnam.

Bangladesh region not supported uphold for new account users

I hope they fix it already sir @Saoiray for the Philippines some many legit users are using brave here :slight_smile: very will we will just wait for the brave rewards continuation. Brave is the best internet browser ever made

Brave avid user Julius

I thought it was a temporary error that was due to an update. Apparently, it’s worse. This is terrible for legitimate users here in the Philippines. Wish there was a way to make it available for us again.

Well, it’s something they are wanting to work on. Though they said Philippines and Vietnam are two very challenging regions, so they don’t know how long it will be. Definitely been over 6 months now and they haven’t mentioned any positive hope to allow either country to be able to connect Brave to Uphold or Gemini.

What about India? Any update from Uphold or Gemini?

This decision isn’t 100% Gemini or Uphold. This is more of an issue with Brave in partnership with them. They have been trying to figure out a lot of legal and other issues.

Unfortunately they don’t tell us much officially, so we have to make some guesses on things.

For example,

India is having talk in government about banning cryptocurrency.

Plus there had been other issues prior, such as linked below:

That said, Brave had said India is one of their major focus right now. France and India had been the two major places they are trying to prioritize. Unfortunately, no timeline or anything.

Interesting and sad at the same time. But still I’m not going to stop using Brave I just love its UI and privacy features.

Yeah, just keep in mind that officially Brave is doing everything they can in order to restore things for India. All I’m doing is sharing other things going on in the world that might play a role. If India does ban cryptocurrency, for example, then Brave wouldn’t legally be able to support that region anymore and the same would be true with the crypto exchanges.

Let’s hope though it doesn’t go that route and that they can get your region supported again here very soon.

Sure but what happens to the earnings if not contributed? where do they get stored if not gemini or uphold ?

Then they just sit there.

Your browser/device. It gets stored in your /Brave folder on your device. It’s pretty safe as long as you don’t go uninstalling Brave or resetting your device, which would then wipe your Brave folder as well. So you’d just make sure to do a backup of your Brave folder every once in a while.

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Rather than opening a new topic I am going to try my luck here. I am based in the UK, trying to verify my Uphold account (which has been working fine for months) and now I get the same issue of my region not being supported. The UK is definitely on the list of countries supported so I am wondering if there is anything else that I am not aware of? Is this a bug I should be reporting?

Well instead of creating a solution, they just banned the whole country! There are tons of ways to verify an account! We can’t transfer our earned rewards yet our earnings are available to Contributors?! As if we’re not contributing to Brave from viewing the ads!

I am in Indonesia and I am affected too by Brave unable to sign in to Uphold.

I could verify my Uphold account though through uphold customer support. However still can’t connect it to Brave.

I thought i am just experiencing some issues regarding verification on my uphold account…
I hope verifying uphold in the philippines will be fix soon…
So we will be able to receive our hard earned BAT from this browser.
Still i am using brave as my daily browser and still receive ads. If brave will not fix this what will happen to our brave rewards?

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