Pending BAT disappeared without getting paid after Oct 6


All my pending BAT are disappeared from all my wallets on Brave for Windows that are connected to my verified Uphold account after the pay date that was Oct 6th

I have the lastest version of Brave for Windows

[Version 1.15.75 Chromium: 86.0.4240.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)]


I have the same problem and still waiting for a reply from @steeven in DM

@Felix_2 I hope your problem will be solved soon.


Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!


Thanks @Mattches I have sent the dm.

1 Like

Also have the same Problem


Can anyone here confirm whether or not this issue has been resolved with the update to Brave version 1.15.76?

Hi, I work on the ads team here at Brave, would any of you be willing to screen-share/voice chat to help identify the issue? Thanks, Terry

@Mattches The new update did not fix the problem. All of the BAT in Estimated pending rewards
is set to 0.000 BAT.
This issue has not been resolved

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