All pending bats disappeared

Hi, i want to know what happened with my pending bats. Yesterday i had like 2.7 pending bats of ads in this month (april 2021) but this morning all disappeared and the count started again from cero. no payment has been made (nothing new in my account and payment date is may 5). anyone knows how to solve this or what happened? this is not the first time, 0.5 bats or something like that disappeared some days ago from my pending bats but this time all disappeared. this is a screenshoot of my pending rewards, as you can see the ads counter in this month is 245 but just 0.05 pending bats, from a couple of ads this morning.

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I had exactly the same happen to me today. Had in excess of 3 BAT each on multiple devices and it seems to have rest during the course of the day today on all of them. The same happened to me a month ago during my first month of using Brave. I put it down to maybe something because I am new, but two months in a row now??? I chacked the obvious things and all my auto-contribute reward settings are off so that is not the problem here. I have collectively now lost probably in the region of about 15 BAT. Here is the screenshot from my one device one which I had almost 3 BAT prior to the reset occurring.

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FYI my devices are multiple platforms. Screenshot above is from my Ubuntu desktop at home, but the exact same thing happened on my Windows work PC and my Android smartphone. It seems almost “coordinated”? My Uphold payout is only May 6 and I checked my uphold account there were no BAT deposits received yet so my BAT is gone

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massive problem today, It`s not an isolated case

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the same is happening with me. but my BATs go and come… now, my 1,5 BAT are here, but, suddenly they may be not.

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Same problem here, my 2,7 BATs disappeared completely

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Same thing happened to me as well… it goes from .84 to .01 to 7.5 to .04. This has been happening for the last couple of days.

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Same here, at the beginning of the month i had more that 1.3 BATS pending, i thought it was my computer or something, but today happened too! i had almost one full token again!

And i can see the number of ads i clicked prueba

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they are back without doing anything, i have read in other posts about the same issue that this is a bug and they are working to solve it.

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This is a known issue that the dev team is currently working to fix.

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