Windows Home 10
Version 1.70.123 Chromium: 129.0.6668.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Brave is up to date.
When I turned on my laptop today 10-3-2024 and launched Brave, I noticed it was in dark mode and that I was logged out of gmail.
When I attempted to log back in, the password was not available in auto-fill. I checked the Password Manager in settings, and no passwords were listed.
I’ve googled around the issue. The Login Data file has the passwords all, I recognize the sites, but everything is encrypted.
My windows login has remained the same, no changes
My laptop login has remained the same, no changes
I have not made any changes on brave. Same profile as the last 3 years. It was not synced and this is just on one laptop for business.
I attempted to retrieve them via the work around of adding " --enable-features=SkipUndecryptablePasswords", however upon launching, the passwords were still not there
Any solution? Are there any other work arounds for Windows? I’ve read the thread from August and not found anything that worked for me.