Option to turn off tab's auto reload

PLEASE bring back the option to disable auto-reload of a openned tab.
Don’t wanna stop using Brave but that has been a pain in the ass :frowning:

Please let the user choose what is best for him accordingly to his own needs at a specific moment!

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Hey Dear Brave Team, Please add option to off auto reload pages in brave android. as soon as possible I’m just comes here for this issue.

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When switching another tab and come back the tab, Brave reloads the tab. This is very annoying. I know this is about RAM usage but this sometimes can be very annoying. There is not chrome://flags/#automatic-tab-discarding option, please add.

This really should be trivial

In the Brave Android app the tab reload after xx seconds IS really annoying.
How to Stop it in Tabs in the background?

This reload , refredh shall be a Chrome feature

Solution for Chrome, perhaps Brave?

"To actually disable:, type in your address bar: chrome://flags, then disable this flag: #automatic-tab-discarding (Turn it to ‘Disabled’ from ‘Default’)

Not found in Brave app.