Opening new tab doesn’t put focus in URL bar

Description of the issue:
When opening a new tab with either ‘+’ button or “cmd+T” the keyboard focus location is ambiguous, when it should be in the URL bar so the user can begin typing the search/URL immediately without having to mouse or tab around to direct focus appropriately.

How can this issue be reproduced?
Open a new tab

  1. Open a new tab (either “cmd+T” or by mouse clicking the ‘+’ button in tab bar).
  2. Notice that the keyboard focus is NOT in the URL bar text field.

Expected result:
Upon opening a new tab the focus should be in the URL bar so the user can seamlessly start typing.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.24 (

Mobile Device details
14.4.2 iOS (iPad with magic keyboard)

Additional Information:

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