Open links in the background

Description of the issue:
Other browsers (notably Chrome and Safari) will remain in the background when links in other apps (like Mail) are COMMAND-clicked. Brave, however, insists on coming to the foreground.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Set Brave as default browser.
  2. COMMAND-click a link from a message.
  3. Observe Brave comes to the foreground and loads the link.

Expected result:
In keeping with the behavior of other apps, Brave should remain in the background while loading the COMMAND-clicked link.

Brave Version( check About Brave ):
Version 1.21.73 Chromium: 89.0.4389.72 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Additional Information:
This has been reported in at least 3 separate topics

It is mentioned that there’s a ticket open on the subject, but I haven’t found any reference to it.

Any thoughts on how to move forward ?

It’s really very annoying to lose focus and having to switch back to the original app.

If this can’t be solved, I’ll need to go back to Firefox or switch to Safari, although I’ve really enjoyed Brave so far

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