Old PSA, what to do if no payment yet

Yep, people mention getting results every once in a while. Unfortunately, people come to complain but don’t often come back to say thanks or let others know that things worked out. Yet fortunately in what I linked above, person commented today they had gotten their BAT after reaching out to @steeven (they just spelled his name wrong)


Not yet. A few days ago I sent a couple of DMs to @steeven and @Mattches . Still hopeful though

I’ve messaged @Mattches but I haven’t heard back from him yet. It seems that you guys need more people to do support. Are you guys hiring?

I feel like they scrapped the idea of payment status updates for now, it’s obvious a good chunk of the userbase is still pending on its payments (which is understandable). All we can do now, is wait. DMing once should help.

yo no he recivido nisiquiera el de diciembre. osea que los pago son selectivo

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Nah, no lo son, llevo más de un año usando brave y no me ha fallado ningún pago, excepto cuando mi billetera fue marcada erróneamente como fraudulenta, luego que se resolvió el asunto recibí el pago faltante

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I feel people should continue to post payout issues here in addition to the suggested DMs. It let’s others know how widespread the problem is. The number of posts regarding problems with BAT was my primary reason I decided not to participate in it.

The issue is that a lot of people are posting once every 24 hours or once every two and three days. If everybody would create just one post per person or let it be one person total and everybody just comment on it it wouldn’t be a problem. What is causing some significant delays is as I said, everybody creating multiple posts and then constantly tagging everybody in it. That wastes a lot of time.

I can tell you that the people that I spend more time helping are the ones that are able to just be patient and provide the information that is asked for. When people are constantly tagging or complaining, I tend not to want to help them because they’re too annoying. They’re speaking of myself anyways but I’m assuming that’s just a big part of human nature.

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But then the other part of the problem is that people posting do not really represent how big of a problem it is. For example let’s just say that I had 100 things where I had help. 20 of those were people from the Philippines or other areas were Uphold no longer services. So when they were complaining about not getting BAT in their Uphold account, that’s why. Unfortunately they did not read the announcements that had been given out before and in order to get to that point had to go through a bunch questions before they finally announced oh I’m in the Philippines.

In other cases we find out that the reason that they’re having issues is because they chose to uninstall and reinstall Brave without having a verified wallet or some sort of back up. So now the loss of their BAT is on them.

Then there are others who went in and modified their files or tried using the VPN to appear that they’re elsewhere so they can receive more ads. This comes up as support tries to assist them and runs a check, which discloses the fraud and violation of Terms.

Then you have the very small percentage of users who did absolutely nothing wrong and just happened to be flagged by the system.

And the list goes on. But people who don’t spend a lot of time talking to everybody that’s having issues and getting all the specific details out of them then make an assumption that because you see 100 people not receiving payment that they all are in the same boat.

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And that is not also listing the amount of people who are having issues because their custodial wallet was down. People recently written that Gemini was down yet again for the third time this month. So it’s not even always issues with Brave or the user but I can be a season with Uphold or Gemini.

It’s because there are so many issues that can contribute to the same problem of people not getting pay on why it’s not recommended to put everything out on the forums. You can but then it comes down to like I said, support staff will not help you based on your post. They will only help you when you message them. And a vast majority of the post here expect that support is going to respond to them here and help them here when they want. There’s years of history that you can look through as far as peoples post to see what happens. Every single time you will see one of the support staff comment to tell people to message them.

And what is sad is I have seen post where people say that they did not receive a response from support but support really did respond but what happened as the people weren’t happy with support told them. Like maybe they told them that their account was suspended and they wouldn’t be able to get anything. Then they say that they didn’t receive a response and stuff because they’re hoping that somehow they’re gonna get a different answer or now they want to pay other users against Brave because they’re frustrated that the service won’t work for them.

I am part of a lot of support groups and social media sites related to Brave. Would you believe that I’ve seen a large number of people who talk about how they are in countries with very few campaigns and so they go ahead and use the VPN to try to circumnavigate it? Many of them think they are smooth and getting away with it but then all of a sudden when they get flagged they get mad. Then they try to support they really are in those countries? But what’s funny is people don’t realize that there are some small things that’s been implemented into the browser and that your computer communicated that lets them know where you’re truly at. So these large number of people who are deciding to lie and try to manipulate to steal money from Brave are getting shafted and then they aren’t happy that they are getting caught

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OK, I can understand your beef about individuals who post repeatedly but, at the same time, I can understand their frustration if they feel their concerns are not being addressed or, at least acknowledged (and I don’t have an answer for that Catch 22), especially since money is involved.

I’m not here often enough to see how many of the complaints are repeats of previous complaints compared to the patient posters. Truth be told, I’m almost never here because Brave is so dependable (since I do not participate in the rewards program, which, from what I’ve seen here, is buggier than a flop house bed), I have no need to come here.

@LadyFitzgerald one person you can see is https://community.brave.com/u/anandshukla/activity

Three separate posts and multiple comments since February 8.

And one of the other issues I referenced would be like addressed at Did not recieve payout of JAN 2022 in feb 2022 yet - #12 by steeven

Isn’t it easy to argue about something you have no idea about? Every time I wrote about brave e january payments, it only directs me to this page, so zero help. I contacted Uphold, they are really helpful, they say the problem is not ours, brave did not pay, which is true. My Uphold wallet was verified and I was able to receive my first payment in December, so there is a problem, no answer, no help, but how easy is it to give advice?

@conquistador please send your wallet ID in a DM. Thanks.

If the support team are responding to ‘No Brave Payout’ posts made today but not the DMs i sent 5 days ago should I just make a post about Not recieving rewards or ads since december?

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I’m kind of curious what you’re referencing there. I mean, you’re accurate in what you’re saying there but not sure who you’re referring to. If saying me, then can’t say I agree.

Yeah, I see you created your account on February 14 of this year, so not too long ago. Also this was your first comment with no posts. Guessing you’re saying you tried looking for help elsewhere and kept getting referred to Brave Community and/or this post in particular?

Well, we have advice in a lot of ways. But as I said in this post, overall just better to contact staff with the information they need. Just as you saw that steeven commented to tell you that you need to DM the info, just as this suggested. Any pay issues or suddenly not seeing ads has to go through them overall, as they are the only ones who can see if people are flagged, get payments sent, etc.

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Look at replies. They aren’t giving active attention but just are advising to send info.

If you’re being sincere about “5 days ago” then that was sometime on Friday. If you did it late in the day, then Friday doesn’t even count. They don’t work the forums over the weekend. So it’s been about 3 days. Currently they are taking an average of 2 weeks to investigate and resolve issues. That’s not to say some aren’t much quicker, but I’ve steadily been telling people give it that much time.

Btw, did you DM @Mattches or @steeven?

I was being sincere, it was Thursday Feb 17 (6 days).
I did not take the weekend into account. I’ll keep waiting as I don’t really have a choice. I’m not earning rewards but I’m not seeing ads so its no harm no fowl. Just wish I could find out if the issue was cause by me or by the browser as it all stopped around the same time as everyone else.

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Yeah, things just kind of went crazy in January and all. 4 countries no longer able to get payments due to changes in policy from Uphold and Gemini, then Gemini has had about 3-4 different times they’ve brought servers down for maintenance. On top of that, Brave had done their little maintenance and work with places at the end of January. Plus all the people who have been trying to manipulate data and all.

I really wish I could know more of the official issues going on and how they resolve stuff. But I’ve been able to kind of connect some of the dots as I’ve been involved in various communities of people talking about issues. Even in some where people were posting about how they were trying to manipulate files or use things to get more BAT. Yet as much as I saw that talk, I’m not sure how big of an issue it is or if it’s truly a big reason why there’s delays. All I know is it’s sad how there’s always people always have to do things to screw over others.


I have two weeks waiting and they have not answered me. How long is the wait ? :confused:

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