Not receiving full bat payments

Description of the issue: Been a Brave user since the first launch and only the past couple months have I started having trouble with BAT paying out. For 2 months straight I’ve had over 35 BAT showing on my account for estimated payout. Last month I only received 20 BAT and this month I’ve only received 10 BAT! As you can guess I’m not too happy about this. Why have my payments been reduced?**

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Collect BAT all month from ads.
  2. Average 30-40 BAT a month
  3. Don’t get paid what I’m owed.

Expected result:
Expected result is to get paid the BAT I’m owed and not this 10 BAT at a time leaving all my gathered BAT still locked in limbo!

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Currently running [Version 1.13.82 Chromium: 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
2 MONTHS IN A ROW I HAVE NOT RECEIVED WHAT I HAVE BEEN OWED. Burning my bandwidth allowing these ads. This problem needs resolved. Has the Brave team gotten greedy since the price increase in BAT??? Is that the problem why I’m not getting paid what I’m owed? I want answers. Awful funny I’ve had zero trouble up until BAT shot to $0.45 and now all of a sudden not getting paid what I’m owed!!


@steeven can you help in this case?

As for @m4dpr0ph3ss0r wait a little bit, they don’t work on weekends and in this week they will return until Tuesday


I’m having the same issue. Not getting paid the full amount

I have two computers I use. Last month I had 14 on one and 16 on the other. Both are linked to the same wallet. I got a total of 20.3 BAT instead of the 30+ I was owed. This month I again had about 35 (split of around 19 and 16), and I just got a payment for 4 BAT. Even if I wait for the 2nd payment, it isn’t going to make up for the short in the first.

What is the problem with this?


It is three months for me now, only got 1.8 BAT this time.


I have the same issue, had an estimated payment of 19.490 and only got 4.15 bat


Same issue as well. Not receiving rewards for the past 2 months.


I have not received full payments as well for the past 2 months. Will they give me my money soon?


@CitizenFour it is of two or more months


Same with me. It’s not just a few BAT under the estimate, which is normal since Brave calculates none of the BAT you earned in the past week for the payouts (that BAT is passed onto next month’s payout). 26.5 BAT is my estimate and I’ve gotten about 4 BAT. What’s happening Brave? Hopefully, the rest will be delivered soon.


Yep, can confirm the same for me for the past 3 months. Here is this month’s


Same, old same


i wan no paid for this month 24.4 bat coins


This is happening with me too for last 2 months. ~25 BAT wasn’t transferred to the uphold account.

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It is 2 months now and I still got no payment :expressionless:

Payment ID: af4c4afc-6cf5-4885-b298-1b8419baf2e5

Brave version: 1.12.113 Chromium: 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (32-bit)

Revision: d0784639447f2e10d32ebaf9861092b20cfde286-refs/branch-heads/4147@{#1059}

OS: Android 9; vivo 1906 Build/PKQ1.190616.001

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Same here. Tried to get it resolved last month. Told to wait…and wait…and wait then case closed. Bot good.

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since 2 months i do not receive the full payment on my macbook.
unfortunately there are hardly any ads and then it is cut in half at the beginning of the month.

5.665 -(6*0.25) = 4.165
Payment = 2.105
2.06 BAT are missing

Brave Version 1.13.82 Chromium: 85.0.4183.83 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
MacOS 10.15.6

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This is happening with me too for the last 2 months. ~29 BAT wasn’t transferred to the uphold account.

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Me the same… I’m missing around 20 BATs from two PCs the last two month.


Whether this month brave has full payment

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Same for me… just got around 4 BATs for each of my 2 browsers instead of 15 and 13 (with no ads for September at all :frowning: )